It's been crazy the last few weeks. Work at work, work at home, etc.,etc., etc........
I did get one thing off my list - - I got the pictures all sorted! I ended up with 4 albums, plus one archive box, & two shoe box sized photos boxes for pictures & Christmas cards & graduation announcements and the things that don't fit into albums. What a sense of accomplishment that is!
After that, it was time to work on Dave's project. He had a vision for some 'rockery' in the backyard which involved renting special equipment and heavy lifting.....for that part of it, Tommy came and helped him out -- I would have been of no use. We've got that mostly finished - - at this point in time, all that's left is the strip where the raised beds belong. I had been feeling a bit of panic as spring is slipping by and vegetables aren't planted, but then, I relaxed as I realized it's been so cool, probably nothing would be growing anyway! Now, I'm fine with the fact that we might not plant any vegetables at all this year......altho, I'm sure, in true Whatcom County tradition, summer will get into full swing the 5th of July!
I've hit a few unexpected hiccups in the road since my last posting as well - - I think I needed time to process before I could post. Whether it was true or whether it was the way I perceived the conversation, I felt like my faith was attacked from an unexpected source. That was very very hard to process. I went from confused to hurt to sad to angry. I tried really hard to hold onto what I know and not what I feel, but I still felt - - and I didn't like what I felt.
I really get annoyed when people lump Christians under an umbrella of preconceived ideas of what/who they think Christians are - - and honestly, I completely understand why some people have an aversion to religion in general, Christianity in particular, but it still hurt when someone who I thought knew me better put me under that umbrella.
I got over the shock of that - - admittedly, it took a little while, and I had to remember that I've been guilty of hurting my friends at one time or another......I decided to chalk it up to both the human condition and that perhaps satan wanted to shake me up a bit and honestly, I have no intention of letting him win.
I'm still eating mostly Paleo-style. I can't say I'm as diligent about it as I was during lent.....eating that way takes a certain amount of time from your schedule for planning and prep. While I was going through the pictures and then while I was helping Dave in the backyard (a load of rock after work every day), I didn't have that time - - I got a little grumpy not being able to eat like I wanted to - - I felt like I'd lost a little area of control in my life. (I heard you say "whacko!" hehehe). So, I realized if I want to eat that way, and I feel so much better when I do, I have to come up with a plan to make things less time consuming in the kitchen when I've got other things going on.
And the last big change the last few weeks is that Emily has moved back home. It's nice to have her here with us! It involved, and still involves a little shifting, but it's all worth having her smiling face and hearing silly comments!
It's good to be back!