Monday, May 30, 2011

It's been a few weeks - - but I'm still here!

It's been crazy the last few weeks.  Work at work, work at home, etc.,etc., etc........
I did get one thing off my list - - I got the pictures all sorted!  I ended up with 4 albums, plus one archive box, & two shoe box sized photos boxes for pictures & Christmas cards & graduation announcements and the things that don't fit into albums.  What a sense of accomplishment that is!
After that, it was time to work on Dave's project.   He had a vision for some 'rockery' in the backyard which involved renting special equipment and heavy lifting.....for that part of it, Tommy came and helped him out -- I would have been of no use.  We've got that mostly finished - - at this point in time, all that's left is the strip where the raised beds belong.  I had been feeling a bit of panic as spring is slipping by and vegetables aren't planted, but then, I relaxed as I realized it's been so cool, probably nothing would be growing anyway!  Now, I'm fine with the fact that we might not plant any vegetables at all this year......altho, I'm sure, in true Whatcom County tradition, summer will get into full swing the 5th of July!
I've hit a few unexpected hiccups in the road since my last posting as well - - I think I needed time to process before I could post.  Whether it was true or whether it was the way I perceived the conversation, I felt like my faith was attacked from an unexpected source.  That was very very hard to process.  I went from confused to hurt to sad to angry.  I tried really hard to hold onto what I know and not what I feel, but I still felt - - and I didn't like what I felt. 
I really get annoyed when people lump Christians under an umbrella of preconceived ideas of what/who they think Christians are - - and honestly, I completely understand why some people have an aversion to religion in general, Christianity in particular, but it still hurt when someone who I thought knew me better put me under that umbrella. 
I got over the shock of that - - admittedly, it took a little while, and I had to remember that I've been guilty of hurting my friends at one time or another......I decided to chalk it up to both the human condition and that perhaps satan wanted to shake me up a bit and honestly, I have no intention of letting him win.
I'm still eating mostly Paleo-style.  I can't say I'm as diligent about it as I was during lent.....eating that way takes a certain amount of time from your schedule for planning and prep.  While I was going through the pictures and then while I was helping Dave in the backyard (a load of rock after work every day), I didn't have that time - - I got a little grumpy not being able to eat like I wanted to - - I felt like I'd lost a little area of control in my life.  (I heard you say "whacko!"  hehehe).  So, I realized if I want to eat that way, and I feel so much better when I do, I have to come up with a plan to make things less time consuming in the kitchen when I've got other things going on.
And the last big change the last few weeks is that Emily has moved back home.  It's nice to have her here with us!  It involved, and still involves a little shifting, but it's all worth having her smiling face and hearing silly comments! 
It's good to be back!

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Dreams - - we've all had them.  No, I'm not talking about the kind that happen while we sleep, but the dreams we consciously create, beginning usually, when we were children.  Did you want to be a fireman? An astronaut?  A nurse? 
What did I want to be when I was 5 or 6?  I wanted to be an actress and I wanted to be the Queen of New England!  (A few years later, the reality of geography and history took care of the latter!)
Life happened and I grew up - - thanks to a book I read "Approval Addiction", I now realize how/why I ended up making many of the decisions that I did the first several years of my life - - and many of those decisions eventually took me to a place where I didn't feel like I was able to have the luxury to dream - at least not the kind of dreams people think of when we talk about dreams, like Europe, a masters degree, an 87,000 sq ft house, etc., etc., etc.,  - - my dreams were more about survival. It made me angry to hear people tell me I had to dream big and invest myself in those dreams. How dare they tell me how to think and to insinuate (or that's how I perceived it) that somehow, I was less of a person by not having big dreams.   For a long time, my biggest dream was to make it from one payday to the next and still have groceries on the shelf so the kids could eat and have enough gas in my car to get to work and back! 
Thankfully, those days of feeling so desperate are behind me......however, I was still very defensive about feeling like I had to dream for things that seemed, to me, shallow and worldly.  I had moved past the constant dream of getting from payday to payday, but somehow, a huge house and brand new car just seemed like silly frivolous dreams after freshly coming out of basic survival. My initial reaction was "DO NOT tell me I have to have a big dream. I AM LIVING my dream right now!"
Which led to my next bone of contention which was people thinking that being content (i.e. - not having a 'dream') was the same as being lazy.  It was exhausting getting from where I was to where I am - - I wanted to enjoy my life, not spend my life constantly feeling like I always wanted more and more and more.
So, before I end up sounding like I'm angry and bitter and have an issue with 'the dreamers' of the world, somewhere along the line, I realized I can still dream, but my dreams don't have to be about 'things'.  Except for going to Boston the year I turn 50, I don't think most of them are. 
My friend Audrey showed me a website where I could create a dream board.  I thought, at first, it'd be something fun I could whip out in an hour or so, but it's ended up being about a two, maybe three week process to put together.  It was really very cathartic to be able to actually think about what is important to me - about where I really want to put my energy and in some cases, money.
I can honestly say, that now, I am a dreamer!   
In case you want to make your own dream board........

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Spring must bring out the "busyness" is us!

Hello, it's been a couple of weeks - I'm not really sure why I haven't taken time to sit down.  Dave and I were talking a couple of days ago about how our life used to be so routine and so uneventful and that lately, even on the days we don't have Dayton, we've constantly got something going on!
Saturday mornings used to be my sacred "HGTV/Foodnetwork" time and I haven't even been home the last three Saturdays to think about it.  Two weeks ago, I went to Marysville to meet my new nephew in my "WA" family.  Little Dodge Robert is SO cute and he's been blessed with a wonderful mommy and daddy!
Last Saturday, I went to LaConner with Dave's sisters & mom and nephew's wife for a girl's day out - and yesterday morning, I got up, balanced my checkbook, ran to B'ham to get groceries and got back home about fifteen minutes before Dayton came to spend the afternoon and evening. 
I can say it's officially spring now, as I had my first allergy attack late yesterday.  Thank goodness Dave was home from work (it was quarterly inventory day) and Emily was here to help him out with Dayton because I was down and out in the bedroom with my cold flax bag!  My allergy attacks aren't the normal stuffy nose watery eye thing - - it does something that makes it feel like I've got an S.O.S. pad stuck underneath my eyelid.  I can't really open or close my eye for relief - - the only thing that helps is a flax bag I keep in the freezer (I guess the cold reduces whatever is swollen) and a dose of Benedryl, which, of course, knocks me out.
What else has been happening? 
We finally decided on curtains and curtain hanging equipment - we went to the lumber yard and bought large dowels and stained them. We saved about $60.00 by doing that and now, after several months, we have curtains in the living room again!
Next step is to decide what we're going to do about pictures on the walls and Dave has a new computer desk/wall storage thing to build that will go across the opposite end of the living room from the unit he built last summer - - we're just waiting for a weather report with a string of nice days in order to complete that!
I planted some sweet peas to grow up the trellis on the south side of the's a trellis Dave had built a few years ago that ended up under the house - - we found it last summer and I had him put it up (he'd nearly forgotten he had it).  It's amazing with all this rain we've had how many weeds and dandelions have taken hold in the flower beds.  I knew they were there, but until I really got in, I didn't realize how many there were!
I've been looking at magazines and online to get some ideas on what groups of plants appeal to me to plant in my pots this summer and in the big "feeder trough" style flower box that Dave built last spring.  I can't wait to put my new potting bench (yes, you already know - Dave built it) to use!
So, now the big news, I had weighed myself around March 1st and was really discouraged.  I don't like to measure portions, I don't like to count calories but I knew I had to so something different.  I hemmed and hawed on how I wanted to go about doing something, and finally decided, ON Ash Wednesday, that I'd give up grain for lent.  (once again, if you're a followers of this blog, you're aware of this).  So, my 2nd "weigh in" on April 1st and just over three weeks into this, I have lost 9 lbs!  I was so excited!  It's really given me incentive to continue on after lent is over.  I feel better, I know I'm eating better, and for those wondering, YES, I plant to eat cake at Shane and Megan's wedding!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Happy Spring!

According to the Farmer's Almanac, spring will be arriving today at 4:21 p.m. Pacific time!  With this, I thought I'd take stock of where I'm at in the process of renewal for myself!
First of all, I have to say, since we've been keeping Dayton so much the last couple of months (and trust me, I wouldn't have it any other way), I can see where I lost myself.  While you still live your life, there are certain things that just get put on  hold.....and I'm also reminded of why it's so important for moms & dads to make sure that when they have little ones, they make time for themselves as a couple.  It's so easy to get engrossed in the beautiful world of diapers and Diego and making sure the right seal gets put into the right lid of the sippy cup (trust me - this is important!) - - it's easy neglect stopping to look into the eyes of the one you love and say "How're ya doin'?"
So - back to finding me - -
1)  I've given myself permission to do nice things for myself.  My children are capable and self reliant adults - yes, Tommy is still a senior in high school, but he's got his own job, his own apt, and is very very cheap - - therefore, I don't need to interfer.  It's okay to get a good haircut and color, to buy a food processor for the kitchen, and to even turn the ringer off on the phone every once in awhile.
2)  I've started reading again.  Years ago, I read all the time, I started again, I've sort of cut back since we've had Dayton (my evening reading has become time loving the little man) - but besides looking through Better Homes & Gardens or a new gardening magazine, I still try to get in a few chapters of Joyce Meyer or Mother Angelica every week.  They keep me focused on what is truly important.
3)  I'm planning a small vegetable garden this summer for the first time in several years.  Tomatoes, peppers, carrots -- Dave is going to put together raised beds for me - - love that man!  Also thinking that the big planter he put built last summer will make a great place for an herb garden.
4)  I'm getting back into what I love to do and that's decorate.  Admittedly, I'm taking baby steps, but I'm having fun putting together new 'scapes' for the shelves on the unit Dave built last summer.  Can't wait for the next unit to be built so that I'll have more shelves to decorate!
5)  I'm not walking as much as I was in the beginning of the year - - Dayton thinks the treadmill should be as much for him as it Dave and I and that's just not working out for any of us.  So - I walk when I can.  Not doing as well there as I'd hoped - - but I know that some is better than none.
6)  The new thing I've learned in the last week and a half is that eating grain free isn't as tough as I thought it would be.  It's forced me to think more about food and to be more creative with food and I have to say, I've found some excellent Paleo recipes!  Indian Butter Chicken, Stuffed Cabbage Rolls, Coconut Curry Chicken Salad, I've learned to make "cauliflour rice" and "zuchini noodles", and that Almond Milk is delicious in a protien shake!
7)  And most important - I'm learning to forgive myself for my past mistakes and not to dwell on where I messed up.
Joyce Meyer Ministries posting on today's Facebook says "Your future has no room for your past. How much time do you waste feeling guilty?"
I know God's forgives me - - and I know I have forgive myself as well - that's part of the goodness of God and if I don't embrace that, the enemy wins and I don't want to take part in his victories.
Happy Spring Everyone!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Giving up grain......

I want to lose weight.  For my blood pressure - for my knees - so that shopping for clothes won't be such an ordeal - so I can wear my favorite dress to Shane and Megan's wedding.
I don't want to journal my food - I get bored with counting calories and measuring everything.  So, for lent,  I have decided to give up grains - foods made from wheat, corn, rice, oatmeal, even quinoa........  I know, it sounds a little extreme, but just a few days into this, I can honestly say I feel much better, less sluggish, and so far, haven't really had any "comfort food carb" cravings.  I haven't had any heartburn, and I haven't had any bloated seems to be turning into a good thing for me.
I can't say I'm going "Paleo" because I don't have enough info about that to really say that's what I'm doing, but I have friends who have been diligent with the Paleo diet and have nothing but great things to say about it.
I was a little nervous, because I don't want this to be a big production or make things difficult for those around me thinking they have to cater to my food choices.  For instance, last night, Nicole and Dayton came over so Nicole could do some online homework and it was decided it'd be a perfect night to have pizza delivered.  One of the pizzas was a veggie pizza (no meat - Friday lent) so I just pulled the toppings off, ate them, and didn't eat the crust.  Not even the edge!
The book which has been recommended to me by Jeff and Danniel, friends from work, is by Robb Wolf - "The Paleo Solution". They tell me it has a lot of excellent information, but basically, I'm eating lean meat, seafood, eggs, nuts, fruit, & vegetables.  Because I haven't read the book yet, I'm not sure where dairy fits into this, but I take calcuim supplements (Membrell Bone Health - recommended by the nutritional educator from work) as I realize milk alone really doesn't do anything for my bone loss - - and I WON'T take Bonvia due to the fact there have been so many class action lawsuits against the company because it ate people's jawbones away......just doesn't seem like a risk worth taking.  I would honestly rather go hungry than to eat yogurt (which is mostly sugar anyway), and most of the cheese I eat is associated with a carb, so if there are no carbs, I'll be cutting back on cheese anyway.
Dave and I ate a 1 lb package of roasted carrots (all cut to the same size, lightly tossed in olive oil with a touch of sea salt, and half an hour in a really hot oven - thank you very much Ina Garten!) with our crock pot roast the other night.  And my new favorite snack is celery with Justin's brand almond butter!
And for those who might be wondering - until they're gone, I WILL be eating one or two of those delightful chocolates every day that I got from Emily !
I know I feel better already - this is currently a commitment for the lenten season - - however, by the end of lent, I'm curious to find out how well this works for, well, for lack of a better phrase, real life. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

It's been awhile!

I'm just starting to get back to life after the flu. 
I got over the worst of it - - just haven't had any energy.
And, lately, I have to say, that with that lack of energy has also come a very "bleh" outlook in general. 
And on top of the no energy, Dave has had to work a lot of overtime, we didn't have Dayton for four days in a row, so I've also not had any routine.  I know I try to work on being flexible, but without routine, I tend to shut down.  I wander around my own house like I'm driving in downtown Bellingham. 
In other words - lost.
And everything I've done the last few days, whether at work or at home has gone wrong, was the wrong thing to begin with or broke.
bleh!  Ever get in one of those jags? 
I kept telling myself "you're a child of God and that's all that matters"  "you're a child of God and that's all that matters".
Anyway - - to end this drama, I came home from work today and there was a package waiting for me.
I didn't order's not my birthday?  Why is this here and what is it?  So, like any normal red blooded woman, I tore it open!
A box of chocolates.  Christopher Elbow Chocolates.  They aren't just chocolates. They're divine chocolates.  They might be chocolates from heaven.  In a box tied up with a chocolate colored ribbon!

They were from Emily and there was the sweetest note about how she wanted to show her appreciation for me being her mommy.
Made me cry.
Got my mojo back.
And I'm REALLY glad I didn't give up candy for lent!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Sick Day

I've been fighting a cold for a week.  It started last weekend and at that time, I slept alot, I babied myself, and Dave spoiled me. I thought I was over it and carried on throughout the work week, pretending that the congestion and sneezing and coughing were just leftovers of what I'd experienced on the weekend, but, this morning, I conceded and admitted defeat.  I called in sick.
So now I'm home.  Alone.  All day.  By myself.  It's been a very long time since this has happened.  I had to drink two or three cups of coffee to get things opened up in order to breathe fairly normally, drank a daytime theraflu, and after all that, laying around was just no longer possible.  I decided to clean out the closet which is directly across the hall from the bathroom, which is why we call it "the bathroom closet".
Let me back up and say that one of my gifts (some who have lived with me or work with me might call it a curse) is that I have an analytic mind which is capable of extreme micro-organization - to the point some think I should perhaps consider a twelve-step program.  
I know not everyone has this issue and one of the things I learned when the kids were in the house was that if I didn't 'let that go', I'd be one nasty cranky mama who was always harping at her teenagers.  Just because I like to have the linen dish towels in one stack and the terry dish towels in another stack and I prefer those two stacks are separate from the older and more worn dish towels which are reserved to dry the pots and pans with until they've worn to the point they're ready for the rag bin, doesn't mean that everyone has to live the same way.  
Anyway, I sorted and and tossed and organized and once the 'bathroom closet' was in order, I decided I'd just go ahead and go through the linen closet at the end of the hall.  From there, it seemed a natural progression to take everything out of the TV unit that Dave built last summer and wipe everything down, then, to the computer desk and get the idea.
I'm home today to take care of myself, but I have to say, I'm feeling better for having taken time to give a bit of attention to our home.  Doing so makes me feel more connected to the space.  When I've organized it and cleaned it and even when I'm decorating with something as simple as flowers from the grocery store, there becomes a purpose for this space and that purpose, in the end, is peace which results in a richer life.
And now that I've created some peace through organization, I've still got a stuffed up head. I believe it's time for another theraflu, an episode of Barefoot Contessa, and I'm sure a nap wouldn't hurt anything either.