Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Testing - Testing - One, Two, Three Testing

Okay, so I've been thinking for awhile about starting a blog.  Mostly, because I have ADD and I have thousands of thoughts in my head all the time, and thought it might be nice to get some of them out of my system so I don't drive poor Dave crazy having to hear everything that's bouncing around between my ears!
Also, I thought it might be good to have some accountability for some of the changes I'm working on incorporating into my life.
And, I guess I'm expanding my horizons here by actually getting this together and trying to figure out all the options and how to put this thing together and personalize it and familiarize myself with with this new world I've just entered! 
So, this is it.  My first post.  I have no idea if it's going to 'take'.  And, since Dave is putting dinner on at this very moment, well, here goes..............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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