Saturday, February 12, 2011

Putting on my Nana button!

Been a little busy this week - - all good - - Dave and I have had Dayton quite a bit.  Nicole has started a part time job as a server at a retirement center, along with her part time job at Sear's and going to school.  The girl's got her plate full and I'm glad we can help her out.
He stayed with us a couple of days during the week. Then, Friday morning I came home (how sad is this, I left around 8:30 and had still put in a little over two hours....) to watch Dayton since he had a fever (can't go to daycare with a fever).  Silly me - - I'd thought, "Oh!  An extra day at home.  I can get a jump start on the weekend laundry and I can get some menus and grocery lists made up and..........."   Needless to say, not much of that happened.  Menu's and grocery lists - - not a chance.  I did get some laundry done and ended up washing our sheets as well due to an unfortunate diaper incident.  It was kind of funny later on while the bedding was in the laundry - - Dayton likes to lay in our bed and watch Winnie the Pooh.  He decided it was Pooh time and there was nothing on the bed except the mattress.  "Fits it nana, fits it" in his most pitiful begging voice ever.
And, not feeling well, his poor little voice was kind of pitiful yesterday.....he's usually easy going and if something doesn't go quite right, he'll move on to something else.  But yesterday, it was just one meltdown after another.  So, about ten/ten thirty in the morning, I logged into Pandora and found the Mandisa station, which also played a lot of relaxing music by Chris Tomlin, Casting Crowns, Mercy Me, and so on.  I bundled him up in a blankie and we rocked and he cried.  He cried for about 20 minutes and then he stopped, looked up at me and fell asleep and slept about two hours.  I continued to rock him while he slept and except for the fact he was sick, it was wonderful to have that time with him.
When Dayton & I first walked in yesterday morning, he  walked around the house and looked in every room and finally said "Nana, I tant fine my papa."  So he was pretty happy when Papa walked in around 1:00, he'd had a nap, was feeling better - - and papa was home!
I have to say though, by the end of the day - I was exhausted.  Happy, but exhausted.  It was only 6:30, but I went straight from Nana mode to jammie time - I picked up my book and Dave brought me supper in bed - grilled cheese and tomato soup.  Love that man!
Since we'll have him today and all day tomorrow (7 in the morning until 8:30 at night), we ran into Bellingham early to stock up on a few toddler items and were home before ten, vacuumed up a canister full of graham cracker crumbs and Annie's Cheddar Bunnies that had been ground into the carpet and we're ready to go again!

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